. # 9 (green for the Milky Way) The Pleiades, M45, also known as the 7 sisters. Now we have left the Solar System and traveled VERY far away (almost 1/2 million times farther than Pluto, the last known planet in our Solar System, and the only planet yet to be explored). This is a star cluster of relatively new stars that apparently drifted away from the Orion nebulae (see M42 later on). In order to see the gas around the stars, this image was computer-enhanced (see M1 later on). Taken in 12/92, it is about 410 light-YEARS, or almost 2 1/2 quadrillion(!) miles away. #9 from IMG0002.pcd, taken 12/19/92, f/10, ASA 400, 7min