. # 1 (purple for the Moon) Earth's one and only Moon. This picture was taken in 7/93, when it was almost at full phase. At this time, the Moon was the closest to Earth for that year. If you hold the image at arms length, you will be able to see the "man in the moon" left of center; the dark areas are the "eyes" and "mouth", while the dark area right of the bright spot (middle left of center) is the "nose". The Moon is about 1 1/3 light-seconds away; that is, a light beam (like a laser beam) travels about 186,000 miles/300,000 kilometers in 1 second. Our Apollo astronauts took days. #1 from IMG0004.pcd, taken 07/30/93, f/6.3, ASA 100, 1/500sec